Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hcg Causing Hotflashes

Crisis of Values? - Political crisis or representation?

1) Crisis of Values?

If so, all the values \u200b\u200bor only some? If some, what? Is it because we all have the same values \u200b\u200band they are not adequate to develop, it will be because we all have different or is it because some of us have values \u200b\u200band not others?
is relevant to this analysis the reading of the book "survey of constitutional culture. Argentina: A anomic society " [1] , which can be downloaded freely from the site" "belonging to IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), whose content is focused on the work done by Antonio María Hernández, Daniel Zovatto and Manuel Mora y Araujo, based on similar work in Mexico developed by the Autonomous University of Mexico.
not be possible for me to develop here more or less intelligent grounds there, and I would approach comprehensively to provide a limited interpretation of what that work is revealed with much better arguments, knowledge and dedication of those I may have or obtain, assuredly exposed by Carlos S. Nino respect we are a country outlaw [2] , Also taking as true the conclusions that the book "survey of constitutional culture. Argentina ... "Pointing out that we have a" ... low level of knowledge of our Constitution with a high level of disrespect for the law. 86% of those interviewed considered that Argentina live most of the time outside the law. Particularly serious is the fact that politicians in the first place (74%), followed by police (56%), public officials (49%) and judges (41%) are perceived as the biggest and main violators of the law. Another bad news is that 88% of those surveyed, Argentines are disobedient and transgressors, though most were not placed himself in that category "."
In this work, we are "... a society that knows little and meets its Constitution, which calls itself mostly as a transgressor, that instead of taking ownership of the responsibility for this failure to transfer them to prefer the" other ", in which 41 % think that there are times when it is necessary to disobey the law, 38% say that if you think you're right is willing to go against what the law commands, and 23% not willing to obey a decision that like, although it has been adopted by the majority.
There is also a demand for equality, a theme not less, since their satisfaction depends largely on the credibility of institutions. "
Here are four (4) values \u200b\u200bwe have: a) disrespect for the law, b) disobedient, c) offenders, d) demanding equality.
But also, as is also said that work: "You have the frankness and courage to bear this diagnosis and admit that, as from the survey, the Argentines are customary violators of existing rules, fast and competent to discover how rape and how to avoid sanctions. We do not pay taxes as we should not observe traffic rules, we are prepared para ofrecer una coima en cualquier momento, buscamos exenciones de todo tipo, tenemos un sentido de comunidad muy débil, etcétera. A partir de ahí, el abanico de comportamientos anómicos o ilegales en la sociedad argentina es asombrosamente vasto”.
Admiramos un gol hecho con la mano, el Congreso aplaude y celebra la declaración de default, tenemos escasa seguridad jurídica, es extremadamente peligroso conducir por nuestras calles y rutas, las que asimismo se llenan de gente que protesta sin respetar a los demás, padecemos escándalos recurrentes de corrupción y altos niveles de impunidad.
Admitamos que esos hechos son manifestaciones de una pauta recurrente, una anomia “boba”, al decir Nino, which explains why companies are one of the lowest performing in the concert of nations.
"In sum, anomie that afflicts us is not only undemocratic but also a major cause of our underdevelopment" [3]
believe that the law is fundamental value, but do not respect the law. The least they believe more study needs to inculcate the values \u200b\u200bof obedience and respect for authority in children (89%) compared to those with complete tertiary education and more, they place a relatively lower importance (74%) also a lower socioeconomic level, have increased awareness of importance of instilling these values \u200b\u200bin childhood, with 13% in de-sacuerdo the importance of this transmission of values, situated within the shaded areas are younger, better educated and higher socioeconomic status, those who hold the highest rates disagree with these values.
We are concerned about honesty, transparency and morality, but the formal sector better prepared and more affluent are those who demonstrate at odds with the finding that getting rid of immoral people would solve social problems.
For us, the family should be the primary responsibility of exercising control over behavior of people (55%), far above the law (29%) and the same government (9%), so we attach a predominant role to the family in terms of control.
Among those who believe that the law should set limits, there is a significant difference when comparing the responses according to educational level, because the law is more important for people with higher education (70%) than for those not completed high school (58%), and more important for higher economic level.
We are more likely to go against the opinion of others if we believe we are right, since we are not merely the opinion of our fathers (69% of respondents), any influence upon us the view of the church (64%) of our spouse (72%) or those of colleagues or friends (76%). This makes us individualists.
not perceive a sense of social responsibility towards the identification of citizens with goods and public spaces such as the heritage of all, do not respect the rules necessary for a good social life, and we respect each other. We have a great deal about what is right and what is wrong. There is no sense of unity and responsibility.
While a majority is against the control of the press by the government (53%), a high percentage (40%) is for, corresponding to the latter view people with lower levels of formal education and low socioeconomic status, women leaning on a majority in favor of government control over the press.
While we have high levels of tolerance and respect for civil rights appear as variables for which citizens perceive that there is a greater disrespect for their rights, their personal economic situation (37%) and educational level (24%) , being the lower-income and lower education levels which mainly support this perception, appearing in third place and also supported mostly by these sectors, the location or neighborhood of residence (19%). Age is perceived as a reason for disrespect of rights by 16% and 10% sex.
Coinciding with these data, the paper "Contributions to Human Development in Argentina", 2002, prepared by the United Nations Development Unit, noted that the dominant perception among Argentines that their rights are violated especially for reasons linked to economic and social status.
Let's see a very important chapter to this proposal, as is the analysis of trust and solidarity values.
According to the "Survey ..." that referred to above, Argentines tend to rely heavily (60%) in our reference groups nearby (where we live), but very little in the institutions and social groups active in the society.
Regarding the level of solidarity, 78% agrees with the statement: "Here you live ... if you have a problem there is always someone willing to help."
In both cases, trust and solidarity, the players with more schooling and better economic situation are manifested mainly in favor of this thesis.
analysis based on sex shows that women agree to a greater extent than men, that problems are always someone available to help.
Seven out of ten respondents said sharing values \u200b\u200bwith their community and stress the importance of community identification as a pillar of identity (69%), especially the perception among adults greater extent than among young people, and is considerably more important in the middle and middle school . It should also be noted that the importance of belonging to the community to build their own identity is more relevant in the cities of the country.
The survey says that in Argentina the institutions and political actors have low levels of trust, highlighting the lack of credibility with political parties and Congress. Greater confidence
the wake of public universities and teachers (71 and 72% confidence on terms of 7 and more, measured on a scale of 1 to 10). In a second group are the president and then the organizations and institutions that somehow act as mediators (NGOs, media, ombudsman), which recorded rates between 41 and 45% confidence. In a third group, with values \u200b\u200branging between 20 and 38% are traders, church, industrial, military, justice and fairness in general elections.
With confidence values \u200b\u200bbetween 11 and 14% are institutions such as Congress, the police, unions, government and the Supreme Court. Finally, with a confidence level of 4% are located at the end of the scale, the political parties.
According to the "Survey ..." studies and analysts have noted that political parties are perceived as institutions outside the common good, the company closed, distant and unable to understand reality, and dishonest (p. 38).

2) Crisis "political or representation?

In reality, we are represented? Does this form of democracy is one that can serve as a living system or is it that is missing and we create and develop a new system or at least reshape democracy?
believe that there is democracy when it guarantees the welfare of the people, work, health and education. The vote and freedom of opinion are side [4] , but not disposable.
In "Survey of constitutional culture. Argentina: A anomic society " [5] , stated more clearly than I could do the following:
" In short, social and institutional order where the law is not enforced is not respected by citizens or by the leaders, and where the State does not require nor guarantee their performance, is the vision that most Argentines have our own society. That perception extends the scope of the Constitution and is correlated with low trust in state institutions. It is the picture of an anomic society. "
The survey highlights another troubling finding, which is the high mistrust and lack of credibility that affects institutions, especially Congress and political parties.
"Of particular concern is the high level of distrust that plagues the justice, which is increasing as we move from lower courts to the Supreme Court's Office. The judiciary is a cornerstone in any republican system. However, two decades after the onset of democracy, the long delays of justice, difficulties in access to it, deteriorating infrastructure, lack of independence and the allegations of corruption hanging over some of its members, have brought increased public confidence in this power, while a strong sense impunity.
find an acceptable level of knowledge about institutional performance, although it notes some confusion, particularly in regard to the functions of Congress and the president of the nation to the detriment of the first and profit second. This is a reflection of hyper Argentine, who has systematically violated the balance of power under the Constitution even during two decades of democratic governments.
One of the most important assets made in the last 22 years of democracy in Argentina is that Argentines value and support democracy. The survey data leave no doubt about it, being consistent with many other studies. At the same time, prevailing high levels of dissatisfaction regarding the functioning of democracy. A Latin American comparative level, and according to the Latinobarómetro 2004, Argentina has one of the highest levels of support for democracy (72%), but at the same time, a low level of satisfaction with their performance. There is a considerable percentage of "dissatisfied democrats" (34%), but that does not mean you have a majority in favor of military or other non-democratic systems.
Unfortunately, this support for democracy has not been accompanied by a similar development in relation to the life of a republican regime and the rule of law. On the contrary, far from having been gradually consolidating a democratic republican regime, we walked in the opposite direction. Its main attributes - the city control of state power, balance of powers, transparency and publicity of public-are weak or absent. "

[1] Research Institute Law of the Autonomous University of Mexico, Argentina Association of Constitutional Law, International IDEA, Mexico, 2005.

[2] Nino, Carlos Santiago, "A country outlaw. Study of anomie as a component of underdevelopment argentino ", Buenos Aires, Emecé, 1992.

[3] Survey constitutional culture. Argentina: A anomic society, op. cit. 1.

[4] "Contributions to Human Development in Argentina", prepared by the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), 2002.

[5] Ob. appointment. in ref. 1.


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