Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Thesis Statement On Against Abortion


shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a maximum of ten (10) Ministers.
a) President:
- shall be a citizen of Argentina with more than twenty (21) years of residence in the sovereign territory of the Nation, or by a foreigner who has opted for citizenship in Argentina, with over twenty-five (25) years of residence in the sovereign territory of the Nation.
- His mandate will last for five (5) years.
- is elected directly by popular vote, considering all the sovereign territory of the Nation as a single district.
- The position will be filled by whoever gets the simple majority of votes cast legitimately nonzero.
- No re-elected until two (2) presidential terms after exercising, and may not also be elected as Vice President and Minister for the immediate period following that held the position of President.
- In the rest will be governed as it is today, considering the changes involving the operation of the system outlined here.

b) Vice-
- Shall be a citizen of Argentina with more than twenty (21) years of residence in the sovereign territory of the Nation, or by a foreigner who has opted for citizenship in Argentina, with over twenty-five (25) years of residence in the territory sovereign nation.
- His mandate will last for five (5) years.
- is elected directly by popular vote, considering all the sovereign territory of the Nation as a single district, unable to participate in the election together with those who participate for the office of President, and have to be run individually and separate from that.
- The position will be filled by whoever gets the simple majority of the votes legitimately cast nonzero.
- No re-elected until two (2) periods after vice exercised, can not also be elected President or Minister for the immediate period following that held the position of Vice President.
- In the rest will be governed as it is today, considering the changes involving the operation of the system outlined here.

c) Minister:
- shall be a citizen of Argentina with more than twenty (21) years of residence in the sovereign territory of the Nation, or by a foreigner who has opted for citizenship in Argentina, with over twenty-five (25 ) years residence in the sovereign territory of the Nation.
- His mandate will last a maximum of five (5) years or until completion of the mandate of the Chairman, whichever occurs first.
- is elected directly by the President of the Nation with the Senate and will come from a list of three (3) candidates to develop and raise the National Council of Citizens.
- The list that Elevera National Citizens Council for consideration by the President's Office, contain only names of candidates provided by the elected representatives to form the House of Representatives of the Nation, who will produce it based on the percentage of representation obtained.
- The list drawn up by the House of Representatives must be grounded to the background and suitability of applicants for the post of Minister concerned.
- After having served as Minister, having resigned the same or has been legally deposed by the President of the Nation, may not again occupy the same position or another ministerial position, until two (2) after one presidential term in which he was Minister, and may not also be elected President or Vice President for the period immediately following that served as minister.
- The office of Chief of Staff will occupy the former minister who is elected by their peers as such and a simple majority vote.
- In the rest will be governed as it is today, considering the changes involving the operation of the system outlined here.


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