Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gretchen Rossi Biography

geopolitical Reform Institutional Reform

B) institutional reform.

should be encouraged much greater involvement of ordinary citizens in all spheres of social life in a special way of those who are not affiliated with any political party, giving them a greater executive power than the current indirect and making such participation compulsory and public charge for purposes that are forced to make responsible decisions about issues that directly affect their daily lives.
The system consists of removing the current Municipal Legislatures and Citizens Councils constitutionally created, which could be:
Apple Citizens Council.
Citizens Neighborhood Council.
City Council Citizens. Citizens
Provincial Council.
Regional Council of Citizens.
National Council of Citizens.

These Councils shall be composed of ordinary people without party affiliation, who will meet two (2) times per week minimum, with limited duration of their terms, not being re-elected without having met the conditions outlined here, cover the costs of the municipalities with a National Endowment for Councils.
Through these councils are looking for operational feasibility for all members of our society to investigate and oversee the administrative actions of the different branches of government and society as a whole, as well as organically proposed actions, policies and programs that make the general interest, in addition to direct interference in the administration and control of public affairs, proposing also the people they consider appropriate to fill the various elective positions should not act on the orbit state, pointing to those considered most suitable of several candidates that can be detected by both the executive and various Chambers of Representatives, as seen in this proposal.
also seeks to be disposed of Senators in provinces that have them, switching to legislatures with only one House.
Because of the creation of these new political institutions should be conceived in the following figures constitutional, as reflected in the ranking than their share:
1) National Executive.
2) National Council of Citizens.
3) of the National Legislature (House and Senate.)
4) National Judicial Power.
5) Regional Executive.
6) Regional Council of Citizens.
7) Provincial Executive.
8) Citizens' Provincial Council.
9) Provincial Legislature (House)
10) Executive Council.
11) City Council Citizens.
12) Citizens Neighborhood Council.
13) Apple Citizens Council.

The details of the constitutional organization of the figures set out as follows:


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