Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Use A Blunt Rolling Machine

Lau Congratulations for your pretty good gift that

As this post is to congratulate my good friend obtenicion Lau for his new cute pet.

I tell them that this day we were opening at dawn Soulstones Bonta in the sand for characters that could use the set of Santa and give him many gifts. Well, we needed

's your call Eniripsa LAOH ... and therefore lacked 2 level in order to use santa hat, then we open some stones that I had souls as well as a real coconut blop Lau had.

Well, then, went up to lvl 22 and could use the cap and open the mission Kwismas gem that I play.

AND TARAN! you get a nice Kolak Blood Type ....

For those who do not know these are the data from this pet mascot

da from 0 to 50 in wisdom and this is their food

+1 to wisdom
Vendita Koalak Warrior , Koalak Femur of Wild , Koalak of Blood Boomerang, Boomerang of Dok Alako , Master Koalak Boomerang, Boomerang's Warko Brown, Siegalak fabric.

points: 10 Time between meals: 5 to


not forget to feed her friend farewell, Pao

PS: and I put the comment ... good luck .. a Koalak for me ... Puchi called


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