Friday, March 11, 2011

Sample New Church Members Welcome Letter

Cine independiente: if it's not for you, it's not for you

was preparing a research paper for which I sent a questionnaire to a couple of friends who helped me in some other project. Obviously, not all responses were part of that work, yet many of those that remain, I found it interesting enough to comment around here. Why no one takes into account the independent film? Because if you do not know what the independent film really does not know what the independent film.

What you just saw is one of the promotional commercial Independent Film Festival Buenos Aires. Not knowing that hang videos, I came to this which I found very funny. To clarify, independent cinema is every one that comes out of major production companies and most of the time, has a rather small budget. It is considered an auteur, much freer than any other, with a very personal aesthetic and not working under the pressure that a commercial project. Today, the incredible range of digital cameras has enabled its rapid development. To this we can add to the arrival of cameras that can record videos in Full HD, obtaining a very professional result. As heard from a friend: "Danes NCME Če ne na eden Full HD, je KLOS" (original in Slovenian: "Today, if you're not shooting in full HD, is a bum."

Now back to our own, in the questionnaire, one of the questions related directly to independent cinema, what you expect independent film? Pick Marito first response that says, "I think who make independent films do so because they really like. Because they love making movies, and strive for it, regardless of earnings they may have, or that the public is directed the film. That is why independent films often prove to be superior to the big film companies, who tend to forget what's important film. " Forget what the film I think is most regrettable. Large companies often exaggerate ideas without a solid foundation. We speak of major disasters but do not show us the meaning of life efforts of the protagonists are often trivial or stay in cheap sentimentality. I love Hollywood, I think it has many exceptions, but otherwise much is actually wasted. "200 million for a blockbuster? Only use 199, and the leftovers, surrender it to those who are dying to end a film with actors of 3 ra , tracking shots of shopping carts and special effects wire and toilet paper (based on real events.)

Gabriel says: "I hope independent film ideas, new perspectives, wit, genius. No need for a budget of millions to highlight this. Creativity does not only look at the script but also how to meet it face obstacles (be engineers art). " Wit, ingenuity, and cope with any obstacles, that is the secret, rather, the starting point for the person who wants their work to have the stamp of personal, interesting and differential with the rest. It comes to my mind, "Bad Taste" by Peter Jackson. With a shoestring budget and filmed over four years, the first film from the director of Lord of the Rings is a clear example of the effort, passion and claw (because without it nothing works) to be put on film.

Following this line, Sandra says: "I think in general, independent cinema is much more interesting because they have a much deeper meaning and its authors make a personal stamp (on the great productions this lost to think about the number of spectators that they must obtain and therefore gain) "in Slovenian -original. Perhaps the saddest thing of all is that independent film, being as original and interesting, do not get a good distribution that allows you to make themselves known. There are people in this work, they have festivals dedicated this theme, some small producers, markets search of new authors, etc., but there is always that rare flavor that makes denigrate this kind of art and not taken into account.

Finally, Tom says: "That the independent film remains independent, ie it is from where non-commercial films where you can enjoy the art of cinema." is something extremely true and in fact, many directors feel more comfortable when they make low budget movies that when someone forces them to run a script outside. Juan José Campanella (Argentine director of "The secret of their eyes ") claims to have rejected several Hollywood projects millionaires because he felt that his stories were not deep enough to be interested, they were too cold.

Luckily today, many of the directors who started as independent, they retain their personal ideas and making an auteur for the moment do not affect the millions they use. Tarantino, Nolan ... that a movie has many special effects, does not mean anything and not have them, does not matter. The central point obviously holds everything, is history, and if for certain additives that are needed, they are welcome. But do not fall the idea absurd to think that the effects do not matter that not necessary and should be escape them (through various computer programs, today you can access very impressive). Use, will allow us to reach other sites before we had not reached, but this, we need to try to overcome and put the mind at the point we want to reach. How, is another story, is a matter of ingenuity. Andrés Borghi, in his many short films and work has clearly demonstrated. But to what people think about the special effects in independent film, will be part of another post.


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