Sunday, April 27, 2008

What Is Deviated Septum And Nasal Polyps


PRESS RELEASE: herds were closed to be fought in the Plaza de Chota this year

Mayor of the Province of Chota, Eduardo Rubio Castro, together with the Committee for the Fiestas de San Juan Bautista de Chota 2008, communicated to the taurine specialized press and all the fans in general who have acquired three starters for the three enclosures bullfights held in the town of Chota, with reason for the festivity of San Juan Bautista, livestock to be fought from 25 to 27 June this year in our famous Plaza de Toros "El Vizcaino". Short

we have found the time to finish organizing the livestock subject to the urgency of the Chotano Fair organization, which is now seventy days of starting the first week of fertilizer, a fact that has forced the Mayor of Chota , and the Committee for the Fiestas de San Juan Bautista de Chota 2008, won a contract to close deal, unable to visit only some other Peruvian and Mexican farms, with whom he had spoken by telephone by the close of the fair, while the Committee moved to Colombia where it has acquired two iron cages "The Capiro" whose currency is green and ocher, and one of the national pasture "El Olivar", owned by Aníbal Vásquez Nacarino.

Having already purchased the cattle deal in Chota 2008, will evaluate the proposals that have sent agents to hire the slaughter of bulls, both domestic and foreign, to cover the nine positions that generate Chota Fair, with the firm intention of closing the exhibition posters.

Finally, we communicate to the fans in general, especially Chotano, which closed on posters, by the Next week will be taken immediately the sale of tickets for the traditional Bullfight San Juan Bautista de Chota 2008, announcing that tradition will be respected as the locations of the subscribers in 2007, and will keep the ticket prices of the year also above.

PUBLISHED: Chota, April 2008


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